Location: Baldwinsville, New York, United States

Born in Lake Placid, NY, grew up in Bangor and Brushton, NY on dairy farms. Served in the Army in Viet Nam, lottsa medals. Needed to soften after that experience and became a nurse, became a member of Lions Club in Baldwinsville, NY, where I now reside with a delightful family. Children all away and successful in their own lives and I'm deeply proud of them. Awakened to the world of soul at age 35 and agreed to begin to write the prophecy given to me to publish. This blog is the end result of many years of meditation and the writing of my dissertation on prophecy. I've created the Center for Therapeutic Touch where I've done counseling and hands on healing for the past ten years. Much more to come, feel free to write and ask questions at and find the answers to them in blog entries.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Getting to Know Your Soul

During my formative years I was often visited by masters of many subjects to instruct me in the many fields of interest to me. Knowing my soul seemed ultimately important to me. The soul of the apostle Thomas, the Contender was sent to teach me and the following is the lesson as close to his words as possible.

Thy soul/body integration on the subconscious level has been growing in strength each day. It is now necessary for you to receive the knowledge and experience on a conscious level. The soul/body integration is merely a calling up of your inner and outer being, your very source and existence on all dimensions.
You must unify and strengthen in purpose on a conscious level as well as all other levels. This is necessary for the purpose you are to fulfill. The consequences of filling the task that you are to perform without this awareness and strength are not to be contemplated. You are to be blessed with the task of teaching this awareness to the masses, but you are also to know so as to perform your duties with the greatest of efficacy.
Until this day you have been strengthening your attachment to your soul and have had access to its powers and beauties more on an instinctive level, and on a crisis basis. This you may call “crisis awareness.” The soul surfaces at the times that most urgently call, and strengthen the direction and implementation of your progress. Look now to every moment, awake and at rest, as a moment in endless time where body and soul are working as one particle of energy to particle of cell.
An open channel to the teachings and knowledge of creation is achieved through body/soul integration. It is through the soul that the information is retrieved and through the body that it is manifested on earth. The thought forms are but a watered down version of the actual truths that begin the journey to your consciousness. The greater the integration, the clearer and more original the information or inspiration. You have lived your life in an atmosphere of inspiration to prepare you for this awareness. The inspiration of an artist cleared the connection of body and soul, and if for a moment, takes your being that one step closer to integration complete.
So, in fact, now that you have prepared through these tests and purpose-built situations, you may step that final step forward to total awareness and complete consciousness. Think of this concept not as a joining of railway cars, earthly to ethereal, but a realignment or focusing of a camera lens, where the image unfocused is incomplete and when focused (integrated) becomes clear and true. Most people live their lives in the state of unfocused being. One could grasp occasionally, as a floating feather in the wind, the joys and beauties of the soul which is a part from them, yet connected through wispy threads.
This is perceived, as is inspiration, as an occasional gift, come from afar, and not as an integral part of one's own being or soul energy. In reality, when body, mind and soul are perfectly integrated, so is the entire accessible energy and information of creation. As that is, indeed, the true connection to God and all.
You will feel the joy of instant access and the peace of knowing that you are now reunited in consciousness with that greatest of all gifts, i.e. knowing and working and playing in your true and expanded clarity and that of creation. Your soul was ever and always shall be the greatest form of yourself. Your outer shell merely strives to contain and control the earthly environment with occasional help from your greatest awareness.
See now, the unending possibilities of your earthly life when working not in partnership but as one with your soul. See it not as a part of yourself but as yourself. Allow your/self then to do and see and feel and hear everything you wish to do and see and feel and hear to the glory of creation. Experience every moment through your heightened state of being and awareness. Think through the soul, think soul thoughts. See soul sights. Hear soul voices. Feel soul feelings.
Follow this exercise: Take a moment to acquaint yourself with the beauty and fathomlessness of your truth and being. First, like a friend who has guided from afar. Greet and welcome it into your house. Then, as a twin, allow it to think with you, see with you, feel with you. Then, as a reflection of yourself, closer than a twin but yet apart(a-part). Then, allow the reflection to meld and meet, step in and out. How does it feel? Then, let light and warmth and energy meld and settle together, like the focusing of your camera and be as one. This, at first, will be rather difficult to maintain, but with practice and love the bond will strengthen.
Love is, indeed, the glue of creation and is the enmeshing vehicle of soul/body integration. You will discover that the experience of life, of people, of situations, of truth or deception will be razor sharp. And the healing and influencing of all experiences will become as perfection. Perfectionism, as is perceived by most, for many people is a “fault” because it is not enmeshed with love, but with the struggle to atone for guilt. The true perfectionism is infused with love and is directed and empowered and created by soul and is not a fault but a great gift.
Once oneness with your soul has been established, you can direct your soul to tasks independent of your earthly flesh, or enmeshed with your earthly flesh. Know that the soul will not then be “apart” as before, but together with and working as on behalf of the whole.
The clarity will always be there, for your soul's consciousness is vast and unending and can deal with many tasks at once. The clarity and oneness is achieved in order to have access to your greatest and vast consciousness. The love shall bind in spirit but shall not restrict the action. Indeed, it shall strengthen, feed and empower the actions of your true being. It will allow your soul to grow and expand! To allow the oneness of the soul and exercise this oneness is to open to the growth of unending awareness. Your soul is not allotted a certain size, in knowing it, loving it, being one with it, empowering it, tasking it, you allow your(self) soul to grow and challenge and to go beyond the outermost limits of your present awareness.
It unifies you with the awareness of God. The possibilities are limitless, the ease and freedom with which you go about your tasks is now wonderful, is it not? Your soul can make a heavy burden to be as it really is...lighter than a feather, when seen with the limitless power and strength of creation.
Do now as you are bidden by God in earthly matters with your soul as a fully integrated working member and you shall find peace, strength and power as never before.
Ever and always in love,

The Apostle Thomas
The Contender