Mary Magdalene, The Disciple Jesus Loved
It has come to my attention after numerous questions via email that I need to write about Mary Magdalene. I have known the delightful soul, Bita Mira (translates roughly in English to Mary Beth) for many years. Her words and her story were written in 1989 and 1990 with the able help of my editor, K. Moore Clasper. In today's climate of wanting everything about Jesus and his life to be perfect, theologians want also desparately to cleanse Mary Magdalene of ever having been a prostitute. I understand their desire. However, one cannot profer the idea that Jesus would not have befriended a prostitute. A prostitute, lady of the street, women carrying water on their heads in heavy jars, those downtrodden, those being treated unfairly were the women whom Jesus befriended. He did not seek out the rich and famous since a rich and famous person had his beloved cousin John killed. He did not seek out rich Roman or Samarian women as friends. His upbringing with the Essenes would have trained him to be wary of the Roman enemy, be wary of those tainted by money or power. Oh, how we would for this to be different. It is so difficult to be Christ-like these days when christian judgement is all over the news and politics.
The book, "Mary Magdalene, the Disciple Jesus Loved" is published by Soul Works International. The mission of Soul Works International is to bring to life the words of souls who have passed on to an existence without a body. The life of John the Baptist as his great soul Edouard remembers is currently being edited for print later this year. As I did with Bita Mira many years ago, I do now with Edouard. I meditate, write, talk, feel the feelings, get the story in writing and we go over and over it, then edit until we are both satisfied. I have spent many hours with Emmanuel, the delightful soul who enlivened the Jesus body, perhaps I shall publish those notes so the question wwjd could be better answered at times.
"Mary Magdalene, the Disciple Jesus Loved" is available for purchase from the author directly. To purchase your copy, send $6.95 plus $1.75 for shipping, to Dr. Stu Ledwith, 15 Water Street, Baldwinsville, NY 13027.